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First Abu Dhabi Bank

Dubai First is a credit card and consumer finance company which was acquired by First Abu Dhabi Bank. The initial project is to develop a new mobile app, that delivers a better experience to users than the current one.

My Role

I joined this project as UX Project Manager and my role implied collaboration and alignment with business, development, and design. Also, I did quite some hands-on work, setting up the Design Language System, working on processes, roadmap and UI, while looking into having a successful on-time product release.

Understanding the users

Research was conducted, to find features that would interest our users more. On it, the interviewees were given various options of features that may be implemented in the future but needed priorisation. Interviewees, had to chose how much they would pay for each of them, which one they see using more and why.

Creating a Design System

Creating a robust design system allowed us to work faster and have consistency across the whole app. Also this will help us to reuse elements when moving to other projects across First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB).

